SDGs Initiatives

The facilities including Kobe Suma Seaworld, Kobe Suma Seaworld Hotel, and Kaihinkoen Park have acquired a total of six environmental certifications, including the first domestic acquisition of the "CASBEE District 2023 Edition S Rank."
Furthermore, with themes of "heat", "water", "disaster prevention", and "parks", sustainable initiatives are being implemented at the facilities and parks themselves, and in conjunction with this, the "Smart Sea Sustainable Committee" will be launched.
Going forward, Suma Kaihin Park, Kobe Suma Seaworld, and Kobe Suma Seaworld Hotel Matsunoie Village will continue to pursue various environmentally conscious initiatives, aiming for a "better future" that will contribute to branding Kobe and Suma for the local community.
Actively implementing environmental protection initiatives, including the acquisition of the first domestic "CASBEE District 2023 Edition S Rank" and other environmental certifications

The "Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency (CASBEE)" was developed through a joint project between industry, government, and academia. It evaluates and rates the environmental performance of buildings, and the "CASBEE District" evaluates the environmental performance of building groups. Since the new standards were established in 2023, we have acquired the first domestic "CASBEE District New Standard S Rank." In addition, we have acquired a total of six environmental certifications, including "BELS," "CASBEE Kobe," "Sustainable CO2 Reduction Project Selection," "Energy Conservation District Formation Project Selection," and "Disaster Resilience Improvement Support Project Selection," and are environmentally conscious of the region.

Implementing sustainable initiatives with the themes of "heat," "water," and "disaster prevention" throughout the park

During the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, many aquatic animals were sacrificed due to the inability to start water-cooled generators and the inability to take water and filter it due to the disruption of infrastructure. On the other hand, after the earthquake, the aquarium has played a role in the community in times of emergency, such as using the aquarium as an evacuation center and temporary classroom for a nearby junior high school.
Based on these experiences, we will implement sustainable initiatives focusing on "heat," "water," and "disaster prevention," including energy self-sufficiency in the event of a large-scale disaster and environmentally friendly facility development during normal times.



We will reduce environmental impact by utilizing energy efficiently according to the characteristics of the aquarium, such as reducing energy consumption by 25% through a heat source water network and water-cooled air conditioning.



We will reduce overall water usage by reducing the amount of seawater used by a super water-saving filtration system and utilizing well water treatment facilities for general air conditioning and heat stroke measures.


Disaster Prevention

We believe that independence in water, electricity, and heat is important in the event of a large-scale disaster, and we have strengthened our business continuity plan (BCP) by taking measures such as water intake without power in emergencies using seawater intake facilities.

▲Suma Kaihin Park during the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake

During the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, many people were affected by the collapse of buildings due to liquefaction. At Suma Kaihin Aquarium, the seawater intake pump room collapsed due to ground subsidence, and the water supply to the exhibition tanks was cut off, resulting in the sacrifice of many aquatic animals and significant impact.

List of Specific Initiatives

  • Heat Source Water Network
  • Zero Water Aquarium
  • Highly Reliable Infrastructure
  • Energy Self-Sufficiency in Emergencies
  • Super Water-Saving Filtration System
  • Heat Stroke Measures at the Stadium
  • Infection Prevention Measures
  • Dehumidification and Desalination System
  • Pursuit of design that grasps historical significance and connects to the next generation
  • Disaster Prevention Base for the Community
  • Planning that considers existing pine forests and ecosystems
  • Conservation and cultivation of the natural environment
  • Reduction of environmental impact aimed at Suma Kaihin Park as a whole
  • Barrier-Free Facilities in the Hotel Building

▲Smart garbage cans "SMAGO" are installed in the park.

▲Cooling and heating chair system that utilizes drainage for heat stroke measures at the stadium.

▲Solar panels are installed in the multi-story parking lot.

▲Conservation and cultivation of pine forests.

About the Smart Sea Sustainable Committee

In order to work towards the goal of 30 years from now with the region and implement sustainable initiatives as an area, the "Smart Sea Sustainable Committee (tentative name)" will be launched in May 2024. Details will be announced sequentially on this site's NEWS.