There was a residence of the Sumitomo family where the current Suma Seaside Park is located. In 1903, Sumitomo, the 15th lord of the Sumitomo family who had been on a tour of Europe, felt that "a place for international social and education is needed like the UK." This Western -style building was built. Since then, this place, where Harusu himself has been shifted to his family, has been loved as a place where domestic and foreign dignitaries and cultural people interact, and also plays a role as a guest house. During the Harusui era, Sumitomo’s business developed significantly, and the foundation of the Sumitomo Group was created. Haruisu, who was known as an art enthusiast as well as a businessman, was recognized overseas. A part of his residence remains in the current Suma Seaside Park.

Western -style building by Japanese architecture

Sumitomo, who liked the land of Suma, gradually acquired the land facing the Suma Beach since 1907, and eventually acquired the 14,363 tsubo land. The architecture of the Suma Babi residence was entrusted to Magoichi, an architect and doctor of engineering. The Western Museum, which was completed in 1907, is a large mansion with a width of 42m, a height of 12m, and a 161 tsubo. It is said that Haruisui loved not only the inside and outside view of the western culture, but also the pine forest garden, which crossed old trees and young trees. Such a large Western -style mansion was rare in Kansai at the time, and was described as a full -fledged Western -style mansion by Japanese architecture. Although the building itself was lost in the Kobe Air Raid in 1945, the site still has the remnants of the gate, Ishigaki, and Azumaya.
